• PRIMENA: Upotrebljava se za sanaciju postojećih bitumenskih hidroizolacija i izradu novih hidroizolacionih sendviča.
  • KARAKTERISTIKE: Guma je pasta crne boje, dobro vezuje za bitumen i sve građevinske materijale.
  • PRIPREMA ZA UGRADNJU: Gumu pre ugradnje dobro izmešati mikserom (špahtom ili mistrijom) do ujednačene kozistencije. Gumu razređujemo (OTAPALOM ER) ili benzinom. Ako nam treba gušća guma dodajemo cement.
  • PRIPREMA PODLOGE: Sa postojeće hidroizolacije (horizontala – vertikala) uklanjamo šljunak ili ploče, odnosno kompletnu tešku zaštitu. Postojeću hidroizolaciju prvo dobro očistiti i oprati vodom. Kada se osuši, kompletnu hidroizolaciju prebrisati utrljavanjem pucvalom ili krpom natopljenom benzinom. Ako su oštećenja, pukotine i risevi na izolaciji većeg obima, brenerom pregletovati. Ukoliko je u termiku ispod hidroizolacije ušla voda, ugraditi otparivače.
  • UGRADNJA GUME: Preko pripremljene suve postojeće podloge – oštećene hidroizolacije, izvesti premaz četkom, ređom gumom utrljavajući je u pukotine i riseve u što tanjem sloju. Sve spojeve postojeće izolacije sa betonom, cementnim malterom, limom, plastikom ili metalom premazati gumom. Kada se prvi sloj osuši naneti drugi sloj gume četkom ili gumenom gletericom i vaša izolacija je sanirana.
  • UTROŠAK: zavisi od stepena oštećenja postojeće izolacije, prosečno 0,3 – 1,4kg/m².
  • ZAŠTITA SANIRANE HIDROIZOLACIJE: Ukoliko je Vaš ravan krov – terasa neprohodan, po sušenju gume izvesti farbanje insolacionom bojom. Ukoliko je terasa prohodna, vratiti staru zaštitu, bet ploče ili keramiku preko PE folije, peska ili cementnog maltera. Najbolje je kod prohodnih terasa preko sanirane izolacije postaviti ploče na gumenim podmetačima – distancerima.
  • PAKOVANJE: Kante od 5kg, 22kg, 25kg, 30kg, 50kg, 150kg i 200kg.
  • EKOLOGIJA: Guma je ekološki čista, nisu registrovana bilo kakva zagađenja okoline.


Sanacija hidroizolacije je kao arheologija – svaki detalj (rupa, pukotina, ris) je važan, jer je hidroizolacija kao lonac sa mlekom: jedna rupa na loncu, iscure mleko.

Karakteristični, najvažniji detalji kod sanacije bitumenske hidroizolacije:

elastic rubber 1

elastic rubber 2

elastic rubber 3elastic rubber 4




  • APPLICATION: It is using for repairing of existing bituminous waterproofing membranes as well as for the executing of the new ones.
  • CHARACTERISTICS: It is black paste with excellent adhesion on bitumen and other civil engineering materials.
  • PREPARATION FOR THE EXECUTION: Before the execution rubber should be well mixed with the mixer (or the spatula) until the even consistency. We dilute rubber with the (SOLVENT ER) orwith gasoline. If we need thicker consistency we add cement.
  • PREPARATION OF THE GROUND: From the existing waterproofing we have to take out gravel and boards (all heavy protection). First, we should clean out and wash old waterproofing. After drying, we should wipe of carefully ground with floor rag soaked in gasoline. If the deverbs and cracks are considerable we should repair existing waterproofing (ironing the crack with hot air). If the water had soaked the thermic insulation we should install the evaporators.
  • SPREADING THE RUBBER: Over the already prepared ground (old waterproofing), apply the first coat by brush, It should be thiny paste so we can rub it good in the ground. All connections of the existing waterproofing with the concrete cement, mortar, metal sheet or plastic should be spread with liquid rubber. When first layer dry, put the second one by brush or rubber spatula, and your waterproofing is repaired.
  • CONSUMPTION: It depends of the degree of damaging of old waterproofing. Usually it is 0.3-4kg/m2.
  • PROTECTION OF THE REPAIRED WATERPROOFING: If your flat roof or the terrace is impassable, after the drying put some protective color on it. If your terrace is passable put back your old heavy protection, concrete slabs or ceramics over the PE-folie, sand or cement mortar. The best is to put concrete slabs on rubber distancers over the rapaired waterproofing.
  • PACKING: Cans of 5kg, 22kg, 25kg, 30kg, 50kg, and drums of 150kg and 200kg.
  • ECOLOGY: Rubber is ecologically pure, no pollution has been registreted.


Repairing of the waterproofing is like archeology, every detail (hole or crack) is important.

As it is said, waterproofing is like milk pot: one hole on the pot and whole milk leak out.

Characteristical, the most important details for the repeiring of the waterproffing:


The top quality and the most economical waterproofing system. Concientious investor and a qualified contractor of the construction work will apply waterproofing material ELASTIC RUBBER for rehabilitation of flat roofs.